Non Biased Review On Field Safe Pte Ltd
November 3, 20195 Suggestion For Office CCTV Camera Locations
November 3, 20198 Useful Tips To Follow For F&B CCTV Camera Installation
There is no doubt that when it comes to food and beverages the best of quality and standards should be maintained at all points in time. Towards this objective there are quite a few things that must be kept in mind. There are many reasons by which contamination of food is possible and deliberate contamination is a big risk. Deliberate contamination of food need not be done just by adding some unwanted ingredients or components. There are many ways it could be done including deliberately bypassing stipulated processes and workflows. It is therefore very important to find out ways and means by which one can ensure 100% monitoring and towards this objective there is no doubt that going in for the right F&B CCTV camera could be a great solution. In fact it would be pertinent to mention here that almost each and every food and beverage manufacturers here in Singapore have these CCTV cameras installed. Let us try and find out the various tips that one should bear in mind while installing F&B CCTV in food and beverage manufacturing units.
1. Such CCTV Should Serve The Basic Objective
When opting for such F&B CCTV installation the main objective should be to proactively manage misuse, conspiracy or non-adherence to the basic guidelines and laid down procedures. Ensuring this through installation of CCTV is easier said than done. First and foremost, if the conspirers are aware of such CCTV surveillance systems breathing down their neck they certainly would become weary and careful. Hence, the best way forward would be find out discreet ways and means by which this can be done.
2. Installing The Right CCTV Camera
When going in for installing the right CCTV for F&B units, it is very important to choose cameras that serve the purpose for which they are being installed. When it comes to F&B setups, there is the need to be sure that they are of the right size. When the manufacturing process is being gone through, there could be slippages and non-adherence to standard manufacturing procedures. To avoid this it is very important to understand the needs perfectly after careful analysis and after taking into account expert views. You could find the expert views easily online without paying anything.
3. Video And Image Resolution
When there is a need for choosing CCTV cameras especially for F&B industries it is very important that lot of attention should be paid to video and image resolution. There are very strong stipulations and legal requirements laid down under the Singapore law and the cameras should adhere to the same with regard to quality of video and image resolution. Resolutions generally are measured by way of TVL or television lines. Here again it is quite likely that the government of the day would have set some basic requirements which must be adhered to.
4. Choosing The Right Brand & Model
Installing a CCTV camera in a small business house and in an F&B manufacturing industry is not the same. The latter calls for capturing everything on a continuous and regular basis. Hence the cameras should have the capability to run non-stop perhaps round the year. Even if it has to be switched off, there should be another standby camera which should take over. Therefore it is important to pay lot of attention to this particular area. As far as F&B requirements are concerned, it would always be advisable to go in for infrared cameras which can capture even the slightest movement even when the light is not bright. It is however quite likely that F&B manufacturing lines would be well lit and illuminated at all points of time, except for areas where darkness might be required.
5. Choosing The Right Installation Location
One of the most important aspects that one should follow when installing F&B CCTV cameras is the location where they are installed. It is not about having dozens of cameras being installed all over the place. The trick lies in installing them in the right places where each and every movement and every step is recorded and nothing is missed out even in case of non-functioning of one or two CCTV’s. This is a very critical job and should be done only with the inputs of those who understand the entire manufacturing, storage, transportation and other such process. It should be borne in mind that contamination can happen almost anytime and anywhere.
6. Maintenance And Upkeep
While installation of the right F&B CCTV cameras is just one part of the story, one should never forget the importance of proper maintenance and upkeep of the same. This is a big job in itself and there are some clearly laid stipulations laid by the authorities which must be followed at all points of time. This would call for having permanent staffs who would be able to take care of any malfunctioning that could happen at any point of time of the year.
7. Regular Monitoring Of The CCTV Feeds
Once the feeds keep coming to the central monitoring rooms, there should be foolproof methods by which the feeds are viewed, analyzed and preventive action taken whenever necessary. There should also be a good systems for storing of such CCTV feeds and if there are some stipulations rules and regulations of the authorities the same should be followed at all points of time.
8. Upgrading And Scalability
Whenever a CCTV solution is being installed for F&B industry, it should be done with a futuristic bent of mind. It should have the required provisions for scalability and upgrading without having to spend a fortune. Further when upgrading it should not interrupt manufacturing process of the monitoring systems. This is easier said than done and it calls for taking the best of help and support from experts and others.
So, at the end of the day there is no doubt that installing the right CCTV systems for F&B manufacturing industry is a big and complex job and there are many issues that should be take into account. There are regulatory and government needs that should be satisfied and quality angles that also should be borne in mind.