What Are The Different Types Of CCTV Camera?
November 3, 20197 Mistakes To Avoid When Choosing CCTV For Office
November 3, 20195 Advantages Of Installing Motion Detecting Camera
Often at times when you go through catalogues from shopping malls that provide surveillance cameras you will realize that there are some that have a feature known as the motion detection. Some of the cameras will be named motion detection camera, or even motion activated cameras. Though there are many of these devices very few people understand what motion activated cameras are?
What is motion detection camera?
A motion detection camera is a camera that can be activated by detecting motion. The detection can be done by measuring the speed or the vector of the objects in the field of view. The camera can be activated by turning on the flood light, starting the alarm or even start recording. Such camera can work in a smarter way than those that do not have this feature.
There are so many advantages that you can get when you use a motion detection camera. Some of the advantages include:
Can save your money
Most people might claim that this cannot be true, but when you look carefully at the logic of this you can realize that it will save you quite a lot of money. In the normal circumstance when you do not have a camera you might need to hire more guards to take care of your property. In this case, you will be paying them on a monthly basis. But with the camera you will buy it once and all that time you will do away with the cost of paying the guards.
Saves time
Most at times you will be required to spend plenty of time watching over your property against any intrusion. But with the motion cameras you can spend less time on your property and engage in other meaningful business. The camera can always stay in a standby mode and once it senses an object or human being, it automatically starts recording, minutes later when there is no motion the camera stops recording and gets bark to a standby mode. Later you can come and playback the video and see what happened to your premise.
Provides better protection
If you compare the functionality of the non motion and the motion detection camera, then you will realize that the motion camera provides much better security. Whether you are looking for protection to your home, to your business premise or office the motion camera is just the best option. You can always be able to see what happened to the premise when you were away.
It is much more reliable
A motion detection camera is far much more reliable than the non motion detection camera or any other type of surveillance camera. This is because the camera only captures important scenes. The camera is designed in a way that if it is to trigger any alarm, then it does so after sensing motion. As well if it is set to record, then it starts recording once there is motion. This is to say you get an alarm only when it is necessary. The advantage of this is that you can save a lot of memory for the camera records only scenes that are necessary.
Saves a lot of energy
There are two ways in which a motion detection camera can serve energy
First is that it saves you the energy that you will use to watch videos of empty rooms. The camera only records something when there is an activity going on. On the other hand, the other cameras will record everything which will mean that you will have to just watch the entire clip even if there is nothing that happened. Secondly, the camera will always stay in a standby mode until there is motion. This saves much of the energy that could have been used to power the camera throughout the period.
Basically these motion detection cameras can greatly help you have better surveillance in your home. Apart from security issues you can also use the camera to detect entrance of some pest into your premise. This can help you detect the pest and be able to control them. Ideally there are more advantages that you stand to get when you use this camera as compared to using the other types. As the crime rate keeps soaring, it is high time to take charge of the situation be installing these cameras. They can help to avert theft and other criminal activities.